Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Chatachak market in Bangkok is an awesome market. I bought a scarab and a scorpion, but those insects are encased in plastic. I did not go to the market today, it was a couple of days ago. I would have posted this sooner but we have been doing heaps of things. So I could not post this sooner. To go to the Internet we are not sure how much we need to pay, if we need to pay.
So…. Yeah. What I did yesterday. In the morning we went to a Sherpa tangi. Me and Hine did not know the person. And there was heaps of incense around the place.
I muri i tera … we went to Yangen’s house. She is one of my grandparent’s friends. There I did some homework and I helped my granddad do some unpacking and packing of some medical kitbags for the trek.
I muri i tera… we went to lunch at Mike’s Breakfast. I had the fettuchini.
I muri i tera.. we went back to the hotel. Me, Hine, Bede, Keir and Guthrie all went into the pool and played piggy in the middle. The water was quite cold.
I muri i tera.. ka hikoi ki Garden of Dreams. Before we had dinner me and the boys started catching frogs. It was quite fun. Then we had dinner and then we played ‘go home – stay home’. We walked back to the hotel. Oh yeah… I forgot to tell you that Hine and I did some buying.
After we went to Mike’s Breakfast my granddad bought a down jacket for my sister and he bought a pack. Then we walked to a shop that had things that were made out of yak wool. Hine looked for a present for Paki. Paki is our cousin. It was 350 rupees. That’s about 7 in Kiwi dollars or about 5 American dollars. The asking price was 500 rupees. You may think that the price is high but it is because the Nepalese currency is of low value compared to other countries.
For our cousin Tamihana, I bought a present. It cost a 1,000 rupees and the asking price was 1,200 rupees. I was pleased that I bought this for my cousin….


  1. Great to talk to you last night. We want photos xx Mum

  2. Hey Tama,

    Great stories you're telling keep them coming.

    Thinking of you.

  3. your stories are really awesome!( and by the way Ravin has now decided she would like to sit in your seat in class!)

    from Matariki

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Tama

    Hope your stories get more interesting !!

    And Matariki ,

    I was only sitting there to read about , well you know, with Aulo !!!
